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63-65 Obery StreetPlymouth, MA 02360Sale Price: $900,000

  • Sale Price: $900,000
  • 519 Days Since Sale
$/month over payments
Federal 30-year interest rate: 6.89% last updated on Feb 6, 2025
* All Figures are estimates. Check with your bank or proposed mortgage company for actual interest rates.
This product uses the FRED® API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
  • $990,000List Price
  • 1.29Acreage

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63-65 Obery Street for sale at $990,000. It is a 1.3 acre site consisting of 2 lots with 2 office/medical office buildings permitted by right. Can be sold separately or combined. Building 1 is 4,800 SF and Building 2 is 4,608 SF. 57 parking spaces. Located across the street from BID-Plymouth, Registry of Deeds and the Courthouse.Note* By special permit, there is enough parking, drainage, etc. to support:An additional 4,700 s.f. of space (1,600 additional space on first floor already shown on plan, and 3,100 s.f. of space in a second floor) on the rear building and an additional 2,400 s.f. of space on a second floor of the front building. This would require an additional permit but the parking, drainage, infrastructure is already approved for it. It should essentially only include a review of the building’s architecture.
Listed by Benjamin A. Stout of Atlantic Properties

Listing Sold by Atlantic Properties

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