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1 Wild Rose Drive, Unit 1C, Buzzards BayBourne, MA 02532Sale Price: $355,000

  • Sale Price: $355,000
  • 139 Days Since Sale
$/month over payments
Federal 30-year interest rate: 6.89% last updated on Feb 6, 2025
* All Figures are estimates. Check with your bank or proposed mortgage company for actual interest rates.
This product uses the FRED® API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
  • $369,900List Price
  • 2Bedrooms
  • 1Bathrooms
  • 736Square Feet

Hideaway Village


Listing Tools

Enjoy this year round two level cottage on beautiful Buttermilk Bay. Hideaway Village is a unique place like no other with a private beach and beautiful sand. You can boat, fish, dig some clams or quahogs, swim or just relax then shower off in the enclosed outdoor shower. Take the little ones to the private playground too. So close to all that Cape Cod has to offer without the "Bridge Traffic" This cottage is tastefully done with a view of the water from the kitchen and the 2nd floor bedroom deck. Sunsets are spectacular and are celebrated by many of the "Villagers" on the beach. So many great restaurants and attractions only minutes away. If you are looking for a summer or year round beach house this is it!!!!
Listed by John Nicholaides of Premier Properties

Listing Sold by The Synergy Group

Property Details of 1 Wild Rose Drive, Unit 1C, Buzzards Bay

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