PO BOX 406
East Sandwich, MA 02537
Please contact our Office for more information about our Winter Rental and Year Round Rental Application process.
Guide for prospective TENANTS applying for WINTER or YEAR ROUND rentals. Please read carefully before completing Application process.
BEACH REALTY acts as the rental Agent for the OWNERS/LANDORDS of the properties that are advertised for rent. We will accept Applications for the properties, and process them in a thorough manner. BEACH REALTY will be checking your credit history, criminal history, past and present employers, and personal references. BEACH REALTY’S standard income requirement for all year round and winter rentals is a total debt to income ratio of 43% or less.
FOR EXAMPLE: If your gross monthly income is $3000, your total amount of all monthly debt obligations including rent, credit cards, student loans, auto loans, etc. can be no more than 43% of $3000, which equals $1290 in this case.
After review of the completed and processed Application, the OWNER/LANDLORD makes the final decision on who will occupy their home for a rental. Upon acceptance, a TENANT will be required to pay First Month’s Rent and sign the Lease Agreement to secure the property. Upon the move-in date, a TENANT will be required to pay Last Month’s Rent and a Security Deposit equal to one month’s rent, payable by Certified Funds or Bank Check. NO EXCEPTIONS.
To apply for a rental, please complete the Rental Application Form. Return it to BEACH REALTY with a $100.00 non-refundable Application Fee, which is required to process the Application. If you are accepted as a Tenant, your Application Fee will be refunded in the form of a $100.00 Credit on your First Month’s Rent. Each person over the age of 18 must complete a separate Application. Please include the following with your Application:
1. Copies of Drivers License for each Applicant.
2. A non-refundable fee of $100.00 made payable to Beach Realty
Thank you,
BEACH REALTY conducts business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law.
BEACH REALTY is licensed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
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